Stabilo Boss Mini Heroes Highlighter Pack of 4 超級英雄迷你夜光螢光筆 四支套裝
Mini Heroes Limited Edition
Proven boss quality, but with cute packaging and a mini size highlighter for children's hands.
Concentrate and focus while studying and working on creative projects: thanks to the anti-dry-out technology that allows you to use the highlighter for up to 4 hours without the cap on.
The wedge tip provides 2 line thicknesses, 2 and 5 mm: Perfect for underlining and highlighting, but also for creative work such as shading, framing and designing colourful hand lettering and bullet journals.
*you will get 4 random design from the 5
德國歷史悠久品牌,品質卓越,獨特防乾透技術,在長達 4 小時不蓋蓋的情況下仍可防止墨水乾燥。可愛圖案、兒童小手適用尺寸熒光筆,令孩子在學習或進行創意項目時更集中注意力。
斜角度筆尖提供 2 種線條粗細,2 毫米和 5 毫米:非常適合下劃線和顯示重點,也適合創意手工塗繪,例如塗陰影、框架和設計彩色手寫字體和日記。
* 5 個顏色隨機抽取其中 4 個