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Sea Animals
terra sea animals

【Pre-order 預訂】Assorted Toy Figures, Counters - Sea Animals 實用數量型動物造型公仔, 海洋生物

Regular price $165.00 Sale price $198.00 Unit price per
You’re going to need a bigger boat to hold all of Terra by Battat’s 🦈Sea Animals in a tube! The 60-piece miniature figurine set includes 12 different plastic animals from the world of oceans and seas! There are toy sharks, toy dolphins, toy lobsters, toy turtles, and more included! Miniature animals and toy fish for kids are great educational toys for learning about oceans.

♠ Includes: toy sharks, toy dolphins, toy Penguins, toy Turtles, toy lobsters, toy crabs, toy starfish, and more!
♠ Count, sort, make patterns, classify, and learn addition and subtraction with 3D animal counters.
♠ Four different categories of animals, help children build vocabulary, encourage curiosity about wildlife, and can be used as story starters for writing exercises.
♠ Set of 60 counters includes 5 each of 12 exotic animals,
♠ Hand painted with exquisite detail
♠ BPA and Phthalate free - meets US and Canada safety standards

*NOTE: 【Pre-order】It takes around 2 weeks to arrive Hong Kong. 

♚ 學 前 基 礎 訓 練 教 材 : 實 用 數 量 型 動 物 造 型 公 仔 - 🦈海洋生物♚

高規格, 安全, 每款有齊60隻動物~ 每盒就可以學12種動物名稱, 認知以外, 因為數目夠哂多, 可以同時教埋分類, 數數目, 甚至角色扮演, 創作故事等等!! 更全面, 超級實用!!!

坊間一般此類玩具都係得果十隻八隻, 攤出來都完全沒有森林果種氣勢, 但要找數量有番咁上下多嘅真係好難~ 有就係一些不知名牌子!?! 學野固然重要, 但身體始終第一啦, 最怕有毒物質及顏料不知不覺影響BB發育及健康, 所以, MaMa要精打細算, 等大牌子減價才入手就最精叻啦!

★ 每盒60隻, 12款, 每款5隻動物
★ 每隻約2吋長
★ 手繪精美細節
★ 物料不含BPA和塑化劑 - 符合美國和加拿大的安全標準
★ 合2-10歲
★ 100%原裝美國入口
⚠️體積細少膠製品或有輕微色差或水口, 完美主義者勿購.

*注意:【預訂】須時約2 星期到港.

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