Do-A-Dot Art
Do A Dot Art Activity Book - Who's in the Zoo? 海綿頭顏色筆專用畫冊 - 動物園之旅
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Lions, and Tigers, and Bears oh my! If you like to go to the zoo and see all of the exotic animals, then this is the book for you! Like all Do A Dot Art coloring books, Who’s in the Zoo has big bold artwork, activities that allow children to do original planning and thinking, and fun games!
- Big, bold artwork makes it easy for children to feel successful when coloring in all of our fun art activity books.
- Designed to cultivate the budding artist in your little one. You will notice our graphics have been designed to work with the large sponge tips of Do A Dot Art! Markers, while at the same time not deciphering where each dot goes, so your little one has the joy of turning each page into their own work of art.
- Printed on heavy card stock paper to prevent bleeding.
- Perforated for easy removal and display.
Made in USA 海 綿 頭 顏 色 筆 專 用 畫 冊
呢套海綿頭顏色筆, 集合哂顏色和吸印印呢兩個孩子最愛原素, 緊係冇得輸啦!好用唔駛多講!! 連平時冇耐性油顏色嘅小朋友佢都吸引到果度好野啦~ 所以, 一直好多MaMa都找我地代購埋Do-A-Dot Art 原裝的畫冊, 不嬲甚少有減價!! 我們就幫大家搵哂網上D免費channel, 或者係我地網站都有得免費下載啊, 不過要DIY梗係冇咁方便嘅~ 係要花少少時間架! 嗱!! 日理萬機嘅MaMa而家有佳音喇~
一大本, 囝囝囡囡style又有, 連平時成日斷貨嘅Copy Book 同學寫123都有喇~ 哈! 仲要有特價, 囤貨好時機! 優質厚身水彩紙, 快乾不易透底!! 創作得心應手~
★ 特厚水彩紙、作畫快乾、不易皺、不過底
★ 每頁有預切虛線以便逐頁撕出或個別收藏
★ 合兩歲或以上
★ made in the USA 美國製
★ 100%原裝美國入口