Learning Resources
Every time they slam, kids build the vocabulary and word recognition skills they need to succeed at reading, spelling, and all sorts of language arts. The Slam Ships! Sight Words Game also grows with them: the set's 110 double-sided sight word cards come in 5 different vocabulary levels that help you increase difficulty and introduce new concepts for a fun twist on kindergarten games.
Slam Ships Sight Words Game 太空船常見詞桌遊
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Every time they slam, kids build the vocabulary and word recognition skills they need to succeed at reading, spelling, and all sorts of language arts. The Slam Ships! Sight Words Game also grows with them: the set's 110 double-sided sight word cards come in 5 different vocabulary levels that help you increase difficulty and introduce new concepts for a fun twist on kindergarten games.
- DEVELOP SIGHT WORD SKILLS: Build new sight word skills with this out-of-this-world sight words game
- SHIPS HELP COLLECT THE CARDS: Slam your ships and collect sight word cards during learning games for up to 4 players!
- PLAYING INCREASES VOCABULARY & WORD RECOGNITION: Learn vocabulary and word recognition skills every time you slam!
- GAMES THAT GROW WITH YOU: Grows with you—110 double-sided sight word cards come in 5 vocabulary levels!
- EDUCATIONAL TOYS: Homeschool supplies for ages 5+
- BRAND : Learning Resources
🔡 認 字 階 段 必 玩 遊 戲 ☄️🛸太 空 船 Sight Word Board Game🚀💫 學英文都可以好輕鬆既!!! #冚棉胎 #考反應 #緊張刺激!
🔠小朋友學英文, 唔係死背架. 當中有D tricks㊙ 的, 係英文裡面, 有D 叫 sight word 嘅字, 即係日常英文中常用嘅字, 熟讀左 sight word 對於理解同運用英文非常有用👍, 即使美國人都會有系統咁係幼稚園階段開始學 sight word. 如果孩子掌握呢個範疇, 🎒到小學開始學睇整篇📑英文文章及📝做閱讀理解果陣, 就會事半功倍架✌!!! ^_^
🇺🇸呢個教材品牌新出左套認字 sight word board game, 對於教小朋友學習 sight word 好有幫忙架!!! 佢由淺入深分左5個level, 有百幾張卡, 提供成220個英文最常見字詞, 最多可以四個人一齊玩, 鬥快鬥準咁認字同用小太空飛船吸番啱嘅字卡, 要吸實張卡都要有技巧架~ 訓練埋🙌寫字小手肌肉, 👀手眼協調同遵守✅遊戲規則, 不知不覺, 呢D sight word 就好快入左佢地腦啦!! 🤪愉快學習, 就係咁簡單啦! 呵呵🤭
🎦 https://youtu.be/peEctJzkTTE
★ 每盒包括: 110張雙面sight word卡, 4個顏色吸盤小太空飛船
★ 提供5個階段遊戲級別, 學習最常見的220個英文常見字
★ 訓練 - 透過視覺、觸覺、聽覺等刺激,發展 - 字詞識別、手眼協調、詞彙建構、解決問題、遵循指導等
★ 最多可以四個人同時玩
★ 合K2 / 5歲以上 (可按程度提早或推遲使用)
★ 100%原裝美國入口