Stabilo Jumbo Colour Pencils 18 colors 大六角18色木顏色筆, 特粗筆芯防折斷!
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Big, bold and ultra-tough pencils with an environmental conscience!
It is often said that a creative mind is a happy mind, and what better way is there to let a child’s imagination run wild than with some paper and colored pencils. Made from 100% sustainable wood, these bright and bold Jumbo colored pencils with extra-thick leads are perfect for little artists who love to use colors in creative ways, and for everyone who cares about the world we live in. The perfect accessory for nurseries and playrooms, STABILO Jumbo colored pencils make for hours of fun.
- Extra-thick break-proof lead, 5mm diameter
- Robust high-quality colored pencil
- Rich color application
- Made from 100% strictly controlled FSC-certified wood
- In sets of 18 colors, with sharpener
- Hexagonal shaped with jumbo grip for easy holding
- A secure, jumbo grip provides hours of endless colouring
- Comply with EN71 & ISO 8124 standard
Brand : Stabilo
德國品牌Stabilo 顏色筆口碑一向非常好!
Jumbo系列 - 筆芯 & 筆桿都加粗,原料量為一般色鉛筆之兩倍用料,不易折斷、更耐用!高密度的筆芯,更顯色,水溶性大六角木顏色筆,讓幼童小手更省力,作畫更輕鬆!
☆ 特粗筆芯防折斷,更耐用!
☆ 高密合度的色鉛原料,有效的將原料完全附著於紙上,讓塗抹過程中,減少出現一點一點的紙張細孔空隙,作畫效果更事半功倍!
☆ 符合人體工學的大六角造型筆身設計,表面特殊防滑塗層,讓孩童容易握寫!
☆ 最受歡迎18色連筆刨優惠套裝!