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Herbal Remedy Brooklyn Cow Fart Juice Oil
Cow Fart Juice Oil
Brooklyn Herborium 抗菌草油(牛屁油)
cow fart juice功效
全天然抗菌草油 (牛屁油)
cow fart juice用法
Brooklyn Herborium 抗菌草油(牛屁油)
Brooklyn Herborium Cow Fart Juice
牛屁油 Cow Fart Juice
Herbal Remedy 牛屁油
Brooklyn Herborium

Herbal Remedy - Brooklyn Cow Fart Juice Oil 全天然抗菌草油 (牛屁油) #原裝正版行貨, 現貨!

定價 $315.00 售價 $660.00 單價


#此貨售罄後須較長時間才可以恢復供應, 如須長期使用, 請預早訂購#

Healing Herbal Remedy: Cow Fart Juice 

A highly intoxicating blend of healing herbs that have natural anti-microbial (anti-bacterial, anti-viral, & anti-fungal) properties. May be helpful for itchy skin, certain rashes and chronic skin conditions, athlete’s foot, nail fungus & other various skin disorders. In addition, Cow Fart Juice has elements of what the skin needs in order to produce a higher amount of elastin when the skin is healing, leading to less scarring and firmer, plumper skin. We highly recommend using in conjunction with the brand's Mineral Mist of your choosing when applying over eczema-like conditions.

How to Use
Apply as a spot treatment (1 drop) over compromised or wounded skin. This is not a moisturizer.
• Use as an oil cleanser (or pre-cleansing oil for double-cleansing) on skin that has open wounds or is prone to infection.
• Use to soothe itchy patches on skin by mixing 3 drops with 5 sprays of Mineral Mist massaging into the irritated area several times a day.
For external use only.

Pure Olive Squalane, Organic Sesamum Indicum (Sesame) Oil Infused with Centella Asiatica (Gotu Kola) and Ocimum Tenuiflorum (Holy Basil), Pressed Oil of Organic Azadirachta Indica (Neem) from the Leaves and Fruits, Herbal Extraction of Cinnamomum Camphora (Camphor), Pure Essential Oils of Organic Rosa Damascena (Bulgarian Rose) and Ecologically Harvested Santalum Album (Sandalwood)

Reference: https://www.betweenyouandthemoon.com/product/cow-fart-juice

🇺🇸 美 國 Herbal Remedy - Brooklyn Cow Fart Juice 全 天 然 抗 菌 草 油 ( 牛 屁 油 )

Brooklyn Herborium是美國紐約布魯克林區最著名的環保護膚品,由兩位媽媽Molly同Emma創立,手工製作天然無害的的草本護膚產品,規模不大,但卻享有盛譽。

📌COW FART JUICE 含草藥混合物,具有抗菌、抗病毒、抗真菌特性,主要針對皮疹、腳癬、指甲真菌等其他皮膚病。

於Sammi 係IG推薦後(她更澄清自已並非代言人),不少藝人朋友都在留言區回應,袁詠儀更大讚:「呢支好嘢,我乜都搽佢」, 商台天然控DJ麻利也稱:「冇類固醇,純天然草藥成份,包括有殺菌最勁嘅Neem oil喺裡面」等,網友們也紛紛力薦!我地不得不介紹啦!

🎬 Sammi IG手持的是15ml(細size), 佢有提及公價價錢的啊~
🎦 影片/圖片出處➡️ https://www.instagram.com/tv/CFm3PkkDBe_/......

★ 美國品牌 - 你和月亮之間🌛
★ 全天然草本成分,手工鮮製牛屁汁抗菌草油🐂

★ 功 效 :
🔍 深層營養極乾燥皮膚
🔍 天然抗菌抗炎增加皮膚免疫
🔍 針對真菌、微生物或不平衡ph值所引起之皮膚不適, 如皮膚炎症、唇皰疹、皮疹或灰甲等. 天然抗菌, 抗病毒, 提升皮膚免疫力, 加快修復, 增強皮膚免疫等功能
🔍 治愈力強,特別適合那些經歷嚴重疤痕破裂,含有皮膚修復所需成分, 在皮膚癒合時產生更高量的彈性蛋白, 深層癒合,從而減少疤痕, 使皮膚更加緊緻

★ 主 要 成 分:
🌿橄 欖 角 鯊 烷 油 Olive chelated oil
與人體皮脂中的水源角鯊烷組織相近, 高效保濕, 抗氧化, 增強皮膚免疫力及保護皮膚免受細菌、病源或真菌感.
🌿中 東 積 雪 草 油 Gotu Kola 
用於修復傷口,針對皮膚炎症, 低免疫力及真菌所引起的皮膚問題. 
🌿有 機 印 度 楝 油 Neem (Azadirachta indica)
從楝樹的種子及果實提煉出, 幫助皮膚排毒.
🌱其他成分: 有機芝麻素、聖羅勒、草本提取樟樹、有機羅莎、保加利亞玫瑰 、檀香木純精油  

★ 使 用 方 法:
☆ 以 1 滴份量滴於受傷或或容易感染的皮膚上直接塗上或局部按摩治療 
☆ 改善疤痕, 塗抹及按摩後, 於該皮膚位置上蓋熱毛巾敷片刻
☆ 將油輕拍到需要軟化、深層營養的乾燥皮膚
☆ 塗抹保濕霜前, 以1 滴份量, 用雙手快速印開按印於全面, 作深層滋養
☆ 亦可混在面霜一起使用 

★ 可 選 容 量 : 15 ml / 30ml
★ 新貨到港, 保鮮期24個月, 開封後請於6個月內用完
★ made in the USA 美國製原裝正版
★ 100%原裝正版 


📍 嚴重濕疹、G6PD患者請先咨詢醫生
資料以官網為準: https://brooklynherborium.com/2013/03/26/cow-fart-juice/
