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Flash Sale 🌸 Free Gifts for Order $300+
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Unicorn Print Makeup Eraser 💧清水卸妝毛巾💄 - 獨角馬, 超快卸防曬
Unicorn Print Makeup Eraser 💧清水卸妝毛巾💄 - 獨角馬, 超快卸防曬
Unicorn Print Makeup Eraser 💧清水卸妝毛巾💄 - 獨角馬, 超快卸防曬
Unicorn Print Makeup Eraser 💧清水卸妝毛巾💄 - 獨角馬, 超快卸防曬
Unicorn Print Makeup Eraser 💧清水卸妝毛巾💄 - 獨角馬, 超快卸防曬
Unicorn Print Makeup Eraser 💧清水卸妝毛巾💄 - 獨角馬, 超快卸防曬
The Original MakeUp Eraser

Unicorn Print Makeup Eraser 💧清水卸妝毛巾💄 - 獨角馬, 超快卸防曬

定價 $135.00 售價 $189.00 單價
Erase ALL makeup with JUST water! MakeUp Eraser is made up of millions of tiny hairlike fibers that stand straight up and when wet, work together to reach and suction all makeup, dirt and oil out of each individual pore. Bath towels are typically woven in a loop or pile that is absorbent and general microfiber cloths are made with a conjugation of polyester, polyamide, and polypropylene that can be abrasive to the skin. The Original MakeUp Eraser is a premium, plush, polyester blend designed for sensitive skin and dermatologist approved.

💧清 水 卸 妝 毛 巾 💦💄💋 #卸身體防曬 #卸FacePainting #卸tattoo #環保卸妝巾  #男女合用 #BB落防曬粉

來自🇺🇸美國的Makeup Eraser卸妝巾💄💋, 用特殊專利的纖維布料製成, 只需浸入暖水💧, 扭乾再輕輕在面上打圈就能徹底卸妝, 而且亦好易清洗乾淨重用添呀! 網上勁多用家指連防水妝都能輕易卸掉, 而且觸感超柔軟, 卸妝不須配以任何化學潔顏用品, 所以尤其適合敏感肌、甚少化妝而不想添置卸妝品在家嘅大人🙊(特別係男人)或者小朋友添!

如果您以為呢條巾係有女女既MaMa先啱, 就真係走寶啦!! 事關平時好多MaMa都煩惱孩子🌊夏天🏄🏻‍♂🏊🏻‍♂去游水因勁搽防曬, 沖涼好鬼難🚿清洗哂! 嗱!! 咁呢條毛巾就啱用啦! 方便多用途又輕身, 帶去做🧘🏻‍♀gym/yoga 或者去旅行唔想執咁多樽野又啱!! 仲有... 🎈Face Painting, 🎉玩完Tattoo 之後想輕鬆卸淨, 以後真係巧easy啦!! 😊 

🎬 女星Demi Moore親自示範: https://youtu.be/W-1640PZ1b8 

🎬 示範: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rICxq6OLD5E 

★ 款式: Unicorn獨角獸(細)
★ 呎吋Size: 闊6'' x 長9.5''
★ 質感:柔軟順滑,正反兩面毛毛的長度不同,正面的毛較短,建議先用正面卸除彩妝,後面較長毛用作重複再抹確保乾淨及有去角質功效。
★ 用法:毛巾濕水後往臉上擦(感覺會與普通毛巾無異),在臉上輕抹數次已能脫掉彩妝及底妝,對於較濃及細緻的眼妝等,請重複多抹數次。一般整個卸妝過程約一分鐘。如果要確保完全卸妝,可再用加有卸妝水或清水的棉花或化妝棉測試清潔度及抹走微細殘餘物。每次卸完妝可直接放入洗衣機清洗!
★ 包裝: 原裝塑料包裝盒
★ 物料: 100% polyester
★ chemical-free! 不含任何化學卸妝液, 適合任何皮膚
★ 可清洗重用多達1000次
★ 可用手洗/ 直接入洗衣機清洗 Reusable, machine washable and lasts 3-5 years.
★ 屬個人衛生用品, 建議於第一次使用前正式清洗一次
★ 100%原裝美國入口
