Flash Sale 🌸 Free Gifts for Order $300+
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Flash Sale 🌸 Free Gifts for Order $300+
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【SAMPLE SALE 樣版優惠】Personalized Puzzle Stool, Jewel Color, Name: Joshu 自定名字字母拼圖實木櫈仔 - 粉彩色, 名字: Joshua
【SAMPLE SALE 樣版優惠】Personalized Puzzle Stool, Jewel Color, Name: Joshu 自定名字字母拼圖實木櫈仔 - 粉彩色, 名字: Joshua
【SAMPLE SALE 樣版優惠】Personalized Puzzle Stool, Jewel Color, Name: Joshu 自定名字字母拼圖實木櫈仔 - 粉彩色, 名字: Joshua
【SAMPLE SALE 樣版優惠】Personalized Puzzle Stool, Jewel Color, Name: Joshu 自定名字字母拼圖實木櫈仔 - 粉彩色, 名字: Joshua
【SAMPLE SALE 樣版優惠】Personalized Puzzle Stool, Jewel Color, Name: Joshu 自定名字字母拼圖實木櫈仔 - 粉彩色, 名字: Joshua
【SAMPLE SALE 樣版優惠】Personalized Puzzle Stool, Jewel Color, Name: Joshu 自定名字字母拼圖實木櫈仔 - 粉彩色, 名字: Joshua
【SAMPLE SALE 樣版優惠】Personalized Puzzle Stool, Jewel Color, Name: Joshu 自定名字字母拼圖實木櫈仔 - 粉彩色, 名字: Joshua
【SAMPLE SALE 樣版優惠】Personalized Puzzle Stool, Jewel Color, Name: Joshu 自定名字字母拼圖實木櫈仔 - 粉彩色, 名字: Joshua
Once Upon A Babe

【SAMPLE SALE 樣版優惠】Personalized Puzzle Stool, Jewel Color, Name: Joshu 自定名字字母拼圖實木櫈仔 - 粉彩色, 名字: Joshua

定價 $388.00 售價 $868.00 單價

Give your child an extra step up with a personalized puzzle stool and hand-painted kid step stools. Each of our step stools is specifically crafted with large, colorful lettering displaying their name and custom designs with their favorite animals or symbols.

This brand has been crafting customized hand-painted children’s toys and kids' furnitures for over 25 years, definitely has experience in creating durable handmade personalized puzzle stools for your child. Each stool is guaranteed to help reinforce reading skills, memory, color and letter recognition, and other important developmental milestones.

Customized toys and furniture make the perfect gifts because it gives young children a special object to call their own!

Hand Painted Kid Step Stools

The handmade personalized puzzle stools and hand-painted kid step stools are crafted from a light, sturdy birch wood with a smooth, clean veneer. Each stool is cut and painted by hand, with non-toxic paint and sealers, so they are truly a one-of-a-kind gift.

We know every child has different tastes and styles, so we offer various color tones to  customize for your little cuties!

  • Color Tone: Jewel
  • Name: Joshu 
  • Engraved Message at the back: Love never fails ( 1 Corinthians 13:8 )  
  • Size : 13" W x 8'' H x 8'' D (approx.) 

*NOTE: 【SAMPLE】Goods in excellent conditions and ready for local delivery. 

有孩子嘅屋企, 一定要有張木櫈仔. 有冇諗過櫈仔都可以獨一無二, 自定名字呢? 呢張🙌人手🇺🇸美國制天然🌳木櫈仔, 可以將孩子嘅名做成併圖落張櫈仔到, 又實在又有型, 如無意外, 🤭真係用到佢地大架!!!!! 另外, 👩‍🏫併圖可以教孩子認字同串自己個名添~ 一舉幾得!! 送禮包你唔會同人撞, 夠心思又有意義! 

★ 名字: Joshua
★ 背面刻字: Love never fails ( 1 Corinthians 13:8 )  

★ 色系: Jewel 粉彩色 (如圖) 
★ 四隻櫈腳可隨時拆卸方便收藏及安裝 
★ 呎吋約: 13" W x 8'' H x 8'' D
★ 大階: 3.5" , 細階: 2.5"
★ 天然實木
★ 無毒持久油漆 non toxic (NO LEAD) permanent paint and sealers
★ 100%美國制及原裝美國入口

*注意:   【樣版】狀態良好, 並非暇疵品, 現貨在港. 
