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Zoono Hand Sanitiser
Zoono Hand Sanitiser
ZOONO Hand Sanitiser and Superdefence 50ml / 100ml / 250ml / 500ml 24小時長效抗菌護手液, 徹底高效, 安全無毒
ZOONO Hand Sanitiser and Superdefence 50ml / 100ml / 250ml / 500ml 24小時長效抗菌護手液, 徹底高效, 安全無毒

ZOONO Hand Sanitiser and Superdefence 50ml / 100ml / 250ml / 500ml 24小時長效抗菌護手液, 徹底高效, 安全無毒

定價 $148.00 $0.00 單價

Product Detail: 

  • Produced in New Zealand, alcohol-free, Food safe, environmental friendly, hypoallergenic
  • it's unique, antimicrobial that bonds to any surface and kills pathogens including bacteria, viruses, algae, fungi and mould. It has proven efficacy and longevity; it does not leach and cannot diminish in strength
  • A single application of GermFree24 will last for a full 24 hours - and best of all, GermFree24 does not produce the nasty, dermatological side effects associated with traditional, alcohol or BZK based hand sanitisers. And its effect will not less with washing hands or any routine tasks. 
  • Products developed with biotechnology and nanotechnology is absolutely suitable for chemically sensitive people, especially infants, children, the elderly and those who are sensitive to skin.

Product Usage:

  • Apply to hands and rub until dry

Storage Condition:

  • Store in the shade between 0°C and 50°C


  • 50/ 150/ 250 ml pump bottle size


  • 1 years+ 

產品使用於皮膚表面亦能發揮持久效力達24小時, 可一整天持續抗滅99.99%以上的病毒、細菌、真菌及各類病原體, 包括 #冠狀肺炎病毒、禽流感、中東呼吸綜合症、諾沃克病毒、大腸桿菌、抗藥性金黃葡萄球菌、李斯特菌、沙門氏菌等。以水為載體, 無色, 無味, 無臭, 絕無酒精, 不含任何刺激皮膚成分! 即使重複洗手或拭抹, 也無礙其抗滅細菌的效能。以50ML為例, 1ML可按3次, 足夠一家三口家庭成員50日同時使用! 環保耐用!!

★ 可選容量:  50ml / 100ml / 250ml / *500ml(*分開展示) 
100ML可按300次, 250ML可接750次, 以水為載體, 無色無味
★ 產地: 紐西蘭
★ 有效期:1年以上
★ 最佳使用方法:
