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Flash Sale 🌸 Free Gifts for Order $300+
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Carson Dellosa

【Pre-order 預訂】Learn Sequencing Game Cards, 6-Scene Set 六圖真實情景邏輯排序卡, 合言語治療, Age 4+

定價 $149.00 售價 $179.00 單價

The images are real, with pictures of real people! Practice sequencing skills while having fun at the same time!

Children will eagerly assemble the pieces of 8 picture stories to determine what happens next! For added fun, have children narrate the story from each scene.

The pictures are clear with size 3x5 inches, and the tasks on them show kids completing everyday activities such as making a sandwich, making a glass of chocolate milk, peeling a banana, etc. 

The colored wavy lines on the front of the card lets you know the sequence is correct. Not difficult to figure out anyway.

Perfect for ages 4 and up.
Learning to Sequence: 6-Scene includes 48 photographic cards plus game directions in English, Spanish, and French. 

*NOTE: 【Pre-order】It takes around 2 weeks to arrive Hong Kong. 

💝 平衡認知及說話發展! ♚ 六 圖 真 實 情 景 邏 輯 排 序 卡 / 教 材 ♚

👶👦👧孩子2-4歲左右的幼兒期階段,相信每個父母最關心就是"認知發展"呢個課題! 這基本可分為"思維"和"語言"的能力發展來看。思維方面指數理邏輯,解難和創意。如數與量、圖形與空間、因果關係都係是幼兒能力可以學習的。至於語言能力方面,假如孩子是獨生子女,💬👥溝通的訓練更不可忽略!此階段幼兒其實已可以連結因果關係,思考序列及用自己語言能力"說"出判斷結果。

💡呢套邏輯排序教材套裝, 美國好多👩🏻‍🏫 homeschool 嘅 MaMa都推介用架!! 佢提供48張情景序列卡,全部係實景真人,聯繫日常生活,可強化邏輯思維和觀察能力的理解。父母可清楚觀察孩子是否能從已知的條件,判斷未知的結果,懂得分析,推理並"說"出所以來!香港學校及父母一向較側重聽/讀的培訓, 須知比孩子"說"多點... 🔆可會有意想不到的影響力架! 

★ 包括: 48張實景圖,六格情景序列卡,建構八個不同情節,活動教學指南及儲存硬盒
★ 坊間少有的真人及實物圖片,真實性強易生共鳴,合更多年齡層 
★ 認知訓練:培養觀察、分析、判斷力,在一排看似混亂的情景當中,找出循環規則,且逐漸學習延伸,理解序列概念;以及說話表達的訓練 (刻意不編印文字, 免除語言限制 )
★ 主要物料: 卡紙
★ 適合4歲或以上(可分階段按程度提早或推遲使用)
★ 100%原裝美國入口

