Epicurean Nonslip Cutting Boards, Set of 2 美國製防霉砧板, 一套兩件
- Set of 2 prep series wood composite cutting boards with black nonslip grip
- Made in USA from trees harvested under the guidelines of the north America sustainable forestry standards
- Boards measure 9.5 X 6.5” and 13 x 8.5”
- Green guard certified, classified "green" product; uses sustainable manufacturing practices; minimal recyclable packaging
- Safe for all knives; heat resistant up to 350-Degree; handle opening; dishwasher safe; will not harbor bacteria
- 美國製防霉砧板
- 終身承諾:絕不發霉、不會乾燥爆裂
- 一套兩塊,實用經濟之選
大- 13 x 8.5” (28.6 x 18.7cm)
& 細 - 9.5 X 6.5” (20.9 x 14.3cm)
- 雙面均可使用
- 高密度製作技術,堅硬卻不彈刀、跣刀,亦不會傷刀鋒
- 專利碳化技術令砧板更加耐酸防臭、不吸水、抗污染
- 不吸附味道、不怕染色,切洋蔥、切薑不吸味,切紅蘿蔔不怕被染
- 易潔易打理,可用洗潔精清洗
- 可放入洗碗機清洗,耐176度高溫
- 四角防跣矽膠粒
- 可掛式設計,慳位方便