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Flash Sale 🌸 Free Gifts for Order $300+
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Stabilo Easyergo 3.15 Mechanical Pencil
Stabilo Easyergo Pencil
Stabilo 鉛筆
Stabilo Easyergo
Stabilo 自動鉛筆
Stabilo 左/右手專用自動鉛筆附刨鉛芯器
3.15 Mechanical Pencil
Stabilo 觀塘

Easyergo 3.15 Mechanical Pencil, Left / Right Handed - Light Blue 左/右手專用自動鉛筆附刨鉛芯器

定價 $66.50 售價 $78.00 單價
  • EARN TO WRITE - This fun pen is the first ergonomic rollerball for left or right-handers, uniquely designed for children over the age of six take their first steps towards clear, legible writing
  • COMFORTABLE - The ergonomic, non-slip grip prevents muscle fatigue and writing pain, enabling an optimal writing experience
  • REUSABLE - Extremely easy to refill with no mess and each refill has a new tip
  • ERASEABLE INK - Our erasable Royle Blue ink glides across the paper means that learning to write is something all children can enjoy
  • CUSTOMIZABLE - Our right or left handed models are available in a range of stylish color combinations with space for a name tag, this is a pen that children will soon love

🇩🇪 德 國 品 牌 STABILO 🏅 獲 獎 設 計 EASYergo 3.15 左 / 右 手 專 用 自 動 鉛 筆 附 刨 鉛 芯 器 🏆

用'執筆膠', '指頭套' 都改善唔到囝囝囡囡嘅壞手勢?!咁真係要試下Stabilo呢支專業級嘅自動鉛筆啦!!! 💪 👩🏻‍🏫正確握筆姿勢的姆指及食指應該完全不重疊, 以免阻擋視線👓, 對頸椎及脊椎不扣成任何負荷!👨🏻‍⚕

完全有別於一般鉛芯筆易斷又易揸壞手嘅缺點, Stabilo粗身筆桿獨有矯形握手位, 仲分埋左/右手, 有助幼童擺脫經常握錯筆的陋習, 粗芯不易斷, 省力舒適... 唔怪得佢係🇩🇪 德國可以攞哂🎖大獎啦~🤭

。根據人體力學設計的握桿,分為專用右手 / 左手設計,達至舒適省力,能有效促進書寫速度
。附有 CE Mark 歐洲合格認證
🏆 榮獲德國Reddot設計優勝獎,肯定商品工藝精神!

👀 有片睇: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pp41F3ztyoQ

★ 左手專用筆可選2色:
粉紅/紫色 pink/ lilac 或 深淺藍色 light/dark blue
★ 右手專用筆可選4色:
粉紅/紫色 pink/ lilac 或 橙/紅色 orange/red 或 深淺藍色 light/dark blue 或 深淺綠色 light/dark green
★ 筆桿根據人體力學基礎設計
★ 有效改善握筆手勢
★ 袛要稍稍用力,就能流暢書寫
★ 矽膠防滑材質,手指不易從筆幹中滑掉,更易鞏固幼童正確握筆姿勢
★ 給你從未有過的輕鬆書寫感覺
★ 3.15粗筆芯,不容易折斷
★ 每套附設刨鉛芯器,可隨意將筆芯刨至合適粗幼度
★ 100%德國原裝品牌
