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Flash Sale 🌸 Free Gifts for Order $300+
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Peppa Pig Monopoly Junior Game 粉紅小豬大富翁幼兒版, 桌上遊戲
Peppa Pig Monopoly Junior Game 粉紅小豬大富翁幼兒版, 桌上遊戲
Peppa Pig Monopoly Junior Game 粉紅小豬大富翁幼兒版, 桌上遊戲
Peppa Pig Monopoly Junior Game 粉紅小豬大富翁幼兒版, 桌上遊戲
Peppa Pig Monopoly Junior Game 粉紅小豬大富翁幼兒版, 桌上遊戲

Peppa Pig Monopoly Junior Game 粉紅小豬大富翁幼兒版, 桌上遊戲

定價 $189.00 售價 $238.00 單價

Peppa loves having fun with her family, and kids can join the fun with the Monopoly: Peppa Pig Edition game. Players move their Peppa Pig, George Pig, Mummy Pig, or Daddy Pig token around the board buying properties such as Snowy Mountain, Peppa's House, and Grandpa Pig's Garden. 

Kids can practice their counting skills as they count their Monopoly Money throughout the game. It's a quick-playing board game designed for kids ages 5 and up, and a good introduction to classic Monopoly gameplay. It makes a great choice for play dates, game night, and can be a fun homeschool break activity. 
  • PEPPA PIG THEME: Learn to earn with Peppa and her family! In this Monopoly Junior board game, kids can imagine being part of the happy and fun world of Peppa Pig
  • PEPPA PIG GAMEBOARD: The gameboard features delightful artwork and locations that kids will recognize such as Peppa's House, Playgroup, Grandpa Pig's Garden, The Funfair, Potato City, and more
  • ADORABLE MONOPOLY TOKENS: What's as fun as jumping in muddy puddles? Playing with your favorite Pig family! Players move around the board as Peppa Pig, George Pig, Mummy Pig, or Daddy Pig
  • PRACTICE COUNTIING: Kids can practice counting money as they move their Monopoly token around the board buying properties. The player with the most cash in the end wins
  • FAST AND FUN: Monopoly Junior is a fun indoor game for kids ages 5 and up. It's designed to be fast and exciting for younger players, and it's a great introduction to the world of the Monopoly
  • 2-4 players, ages 5+

Monopoly 大富翁遊戲應該是很多父母小時候的共同回憶吧?! 但正常版的 Monopoly 對3-5歲的幼兒來說實在太複雜了點, 先別說買地, 蓋房子, 收租, 抵押....這些複雜的概念, 光是好幾種大面額的遊戲紙鈔就夠令小孩一頭霧水了~ 

最新出的Peppa Pig兒童版大富翁 Monopoly Junior, 雖然建議年齡寫五歲以上, 但其實幼兒版遊戲設計得絕對沒有標準版那麼難, 只要有大人陪伴, 幼兒其實也是很快能進入狀態的! 只要孩子有 20以內數與量對應的概念 , 且 已經有玩過其他桌遊, 懂得遵守遊戲規則 就能開始嘗試玩 Monopoly Junior了, 在遊戲中孩子自然會快速地學習到其他必要技能的.

遊戲人數: 2-4人 (建議 3或4人, 只有2人玩時很長時間才玩完!)
內容物: 一塊紙板, 4位粉紅小豬家庭成員, 20張機會卡, 48張小卡(每個代表物各12張, 買地後用來標記那塊地屬於誰的地盤), 90張面額$1的紙鈔, 一顆骰子

1. 每人選好代表公仔, 把代表公仔放在起點GO
2. 48張小卡, 把屬於自己的12張收好以便紀錄購買的物業
3. 將 "CHANCE" 卡洗牌, 字朝下放好
4. 按人數平均派錢

PEPPA PIG大富翁主題:學會與Peppa和她的家人一起賺錢! 在這個Monopoly Junior棋盤遊戲中,孩子們可以想像自己成為Peppa Pig趣味世界的一部分! 

PEPPA PIG遊戲板:遊戲板讓孩子明白順序及停留的意義,認知自已所處的位置,認知建築物名稱,例如Peppa的房屋,Playgroup,爺爺豬的花園,遊樂場,薯仔城市等,及運用金錢取捨的技巧。


便攜又有趣:Monopoly Junior是一款有趣的室內游戲,適用於5歲以上的孩子。 令他們對金錢世界開始建立概念!
