Explorer Polarized Sunglasses for Babies - Ages 0-2, Unbrekabale, 100% UVA UVB Protection 得獎BB太陽偏光鏡眼鏡
Playing outside with your babies in the sun might be a lot of fun, but you could potentially put your child at risk if you don’t provide them with the proper eyewear. Our durable Explorer polarized sunglasses for toddlers are specifically designed to protect your little one’s eyes at all times and from all angles.
- Age: 0-24month
- 100% UVA/UVB protection
- Doctor recommended
- Shatterproof P2 (polarized + polycarbonate) lenses
- Adjustable/removable band
- Unbreakable frames
- Wrap around frame
Bend ‘em, flex ‘em, you can’t break ‘em! Toddlers are prepared for any activity when they’re wearing our Explorer sunglasses. The unbreakable, flexible, wrap around frame minimizes exposure to peripheral light while the soft, adjustable strap ensures these glasses will be comfortable and stay put no matter what. The shatterproof P2 (polarized + polycarbonate) lenses eliminate glare, increase visual clarity, reduce eye strain and enhance contrast.
Explorer polarized sunglasses for toddlers are perfect for children.
🏆 得 獎 兒 童 太 陽 眼 鏡 🏆 100% 真正放心安全之選!! 👶0-2歲
#條帶超易拆 #有帶方便水上活動 #專業醫生推薦品牌 #偏光鏡片
🌈☀又係時候同孩子去同陽光🌞 玩遊戲!! 不過, 咪睇少😎太陽眼鏡啊~ 👀眼睛的構造是一個感光體,紫外線對眼睛的損害好長遠, 曬傷左皮膚會好番, 🙈眼睛係唔會架!!!! 出面D黑超靚係靚, 但9成9係⚠淘寶貨, 或者並非真正100%防UV, 戴左變相更無防範, 眼睛更容易令被紫外光破壞呀!
🔎呢個20年護眼專業的美國品牌, 深諳兒童眼睛對紫外線更敏感, 矢志要創製超輕高質量又價格合理的可靠太陽眼鏡.全線兒童系列有齊100% UVA + UVB保護外, 亦採用光學級高質量彈性防摔不易碎素材, 獲得🇺🇸FDA和CE認證, 每副眼鏡均通過嚴格的透光率測試, 難怪品牌一直在兒童太陽鏡創新方面均處於領先地位!
呢款唔止有100% UVA + UVB保護🕶, 仲選用嘅係**100% Polarized Lens偏光鏡⚡, 😍 就算冬天於雪地弦光反射下行走都大派用場!❄💦🌎 出面好多聲稱嘅偏光鏡, 但其實20%都唔知有冇架😱! 佢仲係100%添~ 物料當然絕不含致癌物質, 亦有防跌橡筋繫帶, 配帶時舒服不移位, 亦可👉隨時拆除, 設計為🔆兒童專用, 耐磨不易刮花, 輕盈及安全性能高! 有咁多安全位, 比孩子配戴, 真係放心晒啦!!🤭👍
📌*選用 100% Polarized Lens偏光鏡, 👨🏻🔬專業視覺享受!!*
• 偏光鏡鏡片比一般太陽鏡片清晰,可減視察中的反映,有效消除太陽直曬, 水面或在⛄雪地上的強烈眩光,增加視覺的清晰度,減輕眼睛疲勞👁和增強對比度。⚡優點絕非普通太陽鏡可比!
• 提高視覺舒適度
• 提高對比度和視覺清晰度
• 減輕眼睛疲勞
• 增強對比度
• 減少反射, 消除眩光
🏆 獎 項: Cribsie Award Nominee
★ 1個顏色: 💙Blue
★ Size: 0-2歲
★ 多項專利研發及設計
★ 通過FDA和CE認證100%UVA & UVB Protection
★ 100% Polarized Lens, 有效消除眩光
★ 附有防跌可拆除橡筋帶, 亦可調較鬆緊(除掉繫帶亦可正常配戴, 放心! 真係可拆除架!!👍👍👍)
★ 特製彈性軟膠鏡框耐摔防變形, 耐磨不易刮花
★ 兒童專用, 耐用性高
★ 超輕物料: Polycarbonate / rubber / elastic
★ 高規格不含致癌物料 CPSIA Compliant - Lead-free with no BPA and no phthalates
★ 現每套送原裝活動扣掛袋! 送完即止!
★ 100%原裝美國入口