Expandable Bread Keeper with Adjustable Air Vent 伸縮麵包存放箱連砧板
Keep bread, bagels, muffins, and other baked good fresh longer with this innovative adjustable bread keeper from Progressive International, which expands up to 11 inches to fit the size of your bread products. The bread keeper's air vents adjust to allow just the right amount of air into the storage area, and it comes with its own bread board for convenient slicing. Made of polyethylene/polystyrene/TPE, it's dishwasher safe.
EXPANDABLE BREAD KEEPER: Keep bread & other baked goods fresh longer with this expandable, dishwasher safe bread keeper. It can expand up to 11 inches to accommodate almost any sized bread loaf.
ADJUSTABLE AIR VENTS: The bread keeper's air vents adjust to allow just the right amount of air into the storage area, & it comes with its own durable bread cutting board for convenient slicing.
MEAL PREP MADE EASY: Our food storage containers enhance the convenience of everyday meal preparation for the busy home cook. We offer airtight, secure storage canisters for all your kitchen needs.
STYLISH DESIGN & SOLID FUNCTIONALITY: Our philosophy is simple—offer stylish designs with no-nonsense functionality. We understand the kitchen is the heart of the home, where family & friends connect.
INNOVATING KITCHEN ESSENTIALS: We boast over 40 years of innovating kitchen products & housewares with unique gadgets & tools for food preparation plus thoughtfully designed food storage containers.
👩🏻🍳👨🏻🍳 Calling cooking MaMa♥ 可 伸 縮 調 較 式 透 氣 麵 包 存 放 箱 ♥ 🥐🍞🥖🥨
呢個🇺🇸美國名牌家品出嘅麵包存放箱, 就解決倒媽媽嘅煩惱喇!!!! 佢可以因應條🍞麵包/食物嘅長度體積黎伸縮, 加上有個活門, 因應唔同濕度💦, 等D麵包透下氣又得, 要比較密封又得, 唔止延長保鮮期, 更加唔驚啲香味引哂飛飛蟲黎啦~~~ 不過. 都要小心果D😋為食老鼠仔偷食囉~ 🤭呵呵~~
👨🏻🍳🥐🥖🥨DIY自家製麵包保存小貼士🔖: 當出爐麵包放涼時, ♨麵包中的水份也隨熱氣揮發而去, 這就是麵包不能夠保持當初出爐時的濕潤柔軟的原因; 尤其🌬乾燥的大冷天, 水份也會揮發得更快更多, 所以麵包會更快乾涸。
❇建議將出爐後的麵包, 存放到✅可控制密封程度的麵包存放箱, 適度扭動活門去調節透氣量(麵包熱時扭大透氣孔, 冷卻後密封透氣孔), 減慢麵包水份散失速度, 保持麵包的濕潤度。
🍞麵包不宜放入雪櫃❄️,因為在4°C至10°C的溫度下澱粉老化速度會更快,改變了蛋白質結構,麵包就無法變得柔軟了。 而存入冷藏冰格就可保存達2星期, 咁當然拎出來就要噴少少水及焗/叮熱番啦!
★ 呎吋: 7.25'' W x 6.88'' H x 7.38'' to 11'' D
★ 可裝原裝麵包, 個裝麵包, 及糕點等適合存放於室溫食物
★ 內附設可切麵包用之小砧板一塊🔪, 貼心週到!!!
★ 可伸縮, 超級慳位
★ 附透氣活塞, 可控制密封程度或透氣多少(非完全抽真空)
★ 物料: PE / PS / TPE (膠)
★ 可入洗碗碟機
★ 100%原裝美國入口