Once Upon A Babe
When they're wiggling the day away poolside, tiny toes need to be comfy and secure. With a water-ready, slip-resistant and quick-dry polyester construction and featuring a friendly monster face, these adorable water shoes are perfect for letting little ones get wet and wild in safe style.
Skidders Infant Boys/Girls Water Grip Swim Shoes, unisex Size 12/ 18/ 24months 嬰幼兒沙灘鞋/ 速乾水鞋
When they're wiggling the day away poolside, tiny toes need to be comfy and secure. With a water-ready, slip-resistant and quick-dry polyester construction and featuring a friendly monster face, these adorable water shoes are perfect for letting little ones get wet and wild in safe style.
When they're wiggling the day away poolside, tiny toes need to be comfy and secure. With a water-ready, slip-resistant and quick-dry polyester construction and featuring a friendly monster face, these adorable water shoes are perfect for letting little ones get wet and wild in safe style.
- Infants/Toddler pull-on water shoes
- Velcro closure on both sides
- Cute colorful motiffs
- Size: 12-18m / fits feet 12-12.5cm
- Size: 18-24m / fits feet 14-14.5cm
鞋面由高彈力織物製成,透氣排汗,柔軟輕便,易於攜帶。膠粒粒底和柔軟材料使鞋子防滑,貼腳舒適! 保護腳部免於和石頭硬物直接接觸,加強支撐力,保護雙腳。使用超輕質的彈力材料生產,方便於穿脫。玩水的季節,安全第一呢 ~
When they're wiggling the day away poolside, tiny toes need to be comfy and secure. With a water-ready, slip-resistant and quick-dry polyester construction and featuring a friendly monster face, these adorable water shoes are perfect for letting little ones get wet and wild in safe style.
- Infants/Toddler pull-on water shoes
- Velcro closure on both sides
- Cute colorful motiffs
- Size: 12-18m / fits feet 12-12.5cm
- Size: 18-24m / fits feet 14-14.5cm